With the pre-season meeting quickly approaching on February 22nd, the players and fans of the Stampede are ready to head out into their respective communities in force to get the message out: Saratoga Rugby is looking for a few good men. And you don't need any experience. Just a desire to have some fun and be part of a team. Being a social person would also help.
As far as age goes, we have starters on the squad from ages 19 - 52. Sizes range from 5'5 - 6'4, and from 140 lbs. to 350 lbs. Experience is also at polar ends. We have people on the team who have played three or four games in their career and it was during this past fall season that they came out for the team. And we also have a player who has been playing longer than most people on the team have been alive. Some played in high school, one didn't start until he was in his 40's! It really takes all types to play this game. And once you play, you will be hooked.

The events will be simple. We will begin by having informational tables/kiosks at three locations in the coming weeks. The three initial locations are looking to be Wilton Mall, Adirondack Community College and Skidmore College. Hopefully, by tapping into local colleges of the North Country we can also acquire some younger and fresher legs as a large percentage of the team, at least 40% are over the age of 28, with somewhere around 30% of the team over the age of 30.
To paraphrase a line from "Necessary Roughness", this season the team wants more than your support. We want you.
For more info, e-mail me, or visit www.saratogarugby.com.
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